Staff Picks: Best of 2023 - Ash Avenue Comics

Staff Picks: Best of 2023

Staff Picks: Best of 2023 - Ash Avenue Comics

Better late than never, here’s the staff favorites from the year. Matt and Varun are familiar faces to anyone who shops in our brick and mortar store on the storied Ash Ave. They both provide a wealth of knowledge and assistance to shoppers, whether a customers is browsing for the first time and needs a recommendation, or for the longtime reader who is looking for a real deep cut of a read to take them off of the beaten path. Paul holds down our webstore and shipping, making sure that all of our customers around the country get their books shipped out in top form. And I’m Drew, the owner of the shop for the last 21 years, and while it seems that I am always working on 20 different tasks, I still make time to read a stack of comics every week. My favorite for the year? Greg and Fake’s Santos Sisters, a top notch bizarro humor title from Floating World that draws on an Archie Comics artistic tradition to sneak through some wild subversion.

Here’s to another year of good comics reading in 2024.

See you in the shop!

Staff Picks: Best of 2023 - Ash Avenue Comics
Our Top 20 Best Selling Graphic Novels in 2023! - Ash Avenue Comics

Our Top 20 Best Selling Graphic Novels in 2023!

Our Top 20 Best Selling Graphic Novels in 2023! - Ash Avenue Comics

Continuing our Best of 2023 round up, here are our top 20 best selling graphic novels, manga, and trade paperbacks released in 2023. The reigning champs take the top two spots once again (the two most recent entries in their Reckless graphic novels were our top two best selling graphic novels of 2022) with their standalone original graphic novels Night Fever and Where the Body Was dominating our sales this year. Not far behind was Daniel Clowes magnum opus Monica, making most of the critics’ choice lists for 2023 as well. Two Viz manga titles made the top 20, Grog the Frog from indy publisher Silver Sprocket did quite well at our shop this year, and local creator Nick Cagnetti’s beloved Pink Lemonade was another of the biggest selling TPB collections released this year.ย  Our next year end round up post will drop tomorrow, and it will be the staff picks for the year.

How many of these did you pick up this year? Which of these titles do you still plan on reading? Let us know in the comments, and, as always, drop by the shop to snag any of these titles that we have in stock or place an order with us to get one in your hands.

Our Top 20 Best Selling Graphic Novels in 2023! - Ash Avenue Comics
Our Top 25 Best Selling Comic Books in 2023! - Ash Avenue Comics

Our Top 25 Best Selling Comic Books in 2023!

Our Top 25 Best Selling Comic Books in 2023! - Ash Avenue Comics

Kicking off our “Best of 2023” series with our 25 best selling comic books for the year. We will be adding some posts featuring other bestsellers, staff picks, and some memorable events from the year as we wind down the whirlwind that was 2023.

A quick note: This list does not combine all of the covers that sold for a given issue, honestly, because it would be a fool’s errand to spend all of that time trying to see how many variants or second printings sold in addition to the main cover. And sometimes a cover B or C by the right artist can move as many copies as a main cover A.

This was a lot of fun to put together and to re-visit some of the best selling comic books of the year (Riddler: Year One #2, for instance, came out the first week of January and was a huge seller just like the first issue in late 2022), and to see the not-so-surprising Batman domination of the top sellers. Still, there were plenty of other series that made the cut, like Saga, Transformers, and Void Rivals, and a strong showing from some of the Spidey books as well. Check it out!

Our Top 25 Best Selling Comic Books in 2023! - Ash Avenue Comics