Blue Book: 1947 #4 (Cover A) (Michael Avon Oeming)


This item will be released on May 22, 2024.

The country’s fascination with UFOs grew tremendously after the crash discovery in Roswell, New Mexico and the fervor starts to inspire hoaxes, lies, and further paranoia as the information (whether true or not) spreads across the United States of America.   Also including a True Weird backup story by John Harris Dunning, John J. Pearson, and Aditya Bidikar!

Additional information

Interior Art

Michael Avon Oeming

Cover Art

Michael Avon Oeming


James Tynion IV


Dark Horse Comics

Final Order Cut-Off Date


Release Date



Release dates for pre-order products are subject to change without notice due to factors beyond our control.

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