Give Me Liberty! A Revised History of the American Revolution TPB (MR)


50 years ago Gilbert Shelton (ZAP Comix, The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers) and Ted Richards (Air Pirates, The Forty Year Old Hippie) combined their talents to create a more-or-less accurate summary of the founding of the United States of America as it was never taught in school! Give Me Liberty… was originally serialized in alternative newspapers through 1975-76 and now Fantagraphics Underground brings this lost classic back to print.

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Interior Artist

Gary Hallgreen, Gilbert Shelton, Ted Richards, Willy Murphy

Cover Artist

Gilbert Shelton


Gary Hallgreen, Gilbert Shelton, Ted Richards, Willy Murphy


Fantagraphics Underground

Content Rating


Early Bird Discount Ends On


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Final cover artwork may vary. Release dates for pre-order products are subject to change without notice due to factors beyond our control.