Detective Comics #1091 Cover E Inc 1:25 Ashley Wood Variant


A BRAND-NEW VILLAIN STALKS THE STREETS OF GOTHAM CITY! When we last left Bruce Wayne he was offered a mysterious youth serum, known only as Sangraal, that promises to rejuvenate his body and mind–making him as strong and nimble as he once was. But can he possibly accept this strange gift? Meanwhile, the sinister, scalpel-fingered villain known as Asema stalks the shadows of Gotham, slaying small-time criminals with surgical accuracy. But what is the purpose of these murders, and how do they concern the Dark Knight?

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Interior Artist

Mikel Janin

Cover Artist

Ashley Wood


Tom Taylor


DC Comics

Final Order Cut-Off Date


Release Date



Final cover artwork may vary. Release dates for pre-order products are subject to change without notice due to factors beyond our control.