Captain America & Volstagg #1 Mark Brooks Animated-Style Variant


This item will be released on February 26, 2025.

AS VOLSTAGG RECRUITS THE SENTINEL OF LIBERTY! When a war breaks out in the Nine Realms, Volstagg of the Warriors Three turns to the only man skilled enough to end it: Steve Rogers, Captain America! JMS teams with visionary artist Bernard Chang for the second in a series of one-shots bringing unlikely Marvel characters together for tales unlike any other!

No longer available for pre-ordering

Additional information

Interior Artist

Bernard Chang

Cover Artist

Mark Brooks


J. Michael Straczynski


Marvel Comics


Marvel Universe

Content Rating

Rated T+

Final Order Cut-Off Date


Release Date



Final cover artwork may vary. Release dates for pre-order products are subject to change without notice due to factors beyond our control.

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