Black Hammer: Spiral City #2 (Cvr A) (Teddy Kristiansen)


The Eisner Award?winning superhero saga is back in this earth-shattering story that?s essential for all superhero and Jeff Lemire fans! Insect gumshoe Inspector Insector sets up office in Supertown as a detective-for-hire while an evil political force enforces its totalitarian policies on the city and its heroes. Black Hammer: Spiral City is the next era of the Black Hammer Universe; an seven-issue dystopian event series by Jeff Lemire and Teddy Kristiansen.

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Additional information

Interior Artist

Teddy Kristiansen

Cover Artist

Teddy Kristiansen


Jeff Lemire


Dark Horse Comics

Content Rating

Rated T

Final Order Cut-Off Date


Release Date



Final cover artwork may vary. Release dates for pre-order products are subject to change without notice due to factors beyond our control.