Batman/Santa Claus: Silent Knight Returns #3 (Of 5) Cover A Bernard Chang


This item will be released on December 11, 2024.

We’re not going to sugarplum-coat it: the situation is dire. The Justice League is trapped in the Hollow Kingdom, hunted by monsters and skeletons. Innocents everywhere are falling to the Silent Knight’s sword…including a hero everyone was counting on. Right when Klaus looks to have an edge, he goes missing! TBH, the only way we see this turning around is if Zatanna pulls something really good out of her hat…

Additional information

Interior Artist

Lukas Ketner, Michele Bandini

Cover Artist

Bernard Chang


Jeff Parker


DC Comics



Final Order Cut-Off Date


Release Date



Final cover artwork may vary. Release dates for pre-order products are subject to change without notice due to factors beyond our control.